As a successful business in South Africa, we believe that we have a social responsibility for those less fortunate in our country.

Our social responsibility campaigns include the following:


Supply of Water to the S P C A (PMBurg) at a reduced rate;


Supply of water to schools whereby every bottle purchased, a portion of the proceeds go to the school bursary fund to assist the less fortunate in bursary funding;


Supply of water to the first ever African Land Convoy to Palestine at “NO CHARGE”


Supplying 28 tons of water (5 Litre bottles) to the people of Somalia, plus R14000 in cash from Public Support. This project was co-ordinated with the Gift of the Givers Foundation.


Donation of 500 ml water bottles to the Varsity College PMB Golf Day in aid of raising funds for the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (CHOC);


Sponsoring  water to the "Sisters for Sisters" Group to raise funds for an old age home and park;


Sponsoring water to the Mercy Mission Organisation to raise funds for the building of schools in the rural areas in South Africa;


Sponsoring water to the Pietrmaritzburg Chamber of Commerce on a few occasions for different corporate functions;


Sponsoring of 500 ml water bottles to CANSA Relay that took place in 2010 in conjunction with Maritzburg College and the Cancer Association of South Africa (PMB Office);


Sponsoring of bottled water for a sports day event for kids that are physically disabled. This donation was co-ordinated with the PMB Assesement and Therapy Centre;


Every month Arctic Amanzi sponsors 500 bottles to oncology units to government hospitals in Durban so that the very poor could have a bottle of water to drink after their chemo therapy treatments. Arctic Amanzi is an active supporter to cancer awareness projects and cancer affected patients.


Through the grace of the ALMIGHTY, Arctic Amanzi was blessed to assist those less fortunate (orphans and street kids) by sponsoring bottled water to a soccer tournament that was hosted to get these kids of the streets.

ARCTIC AMANZI'S Mission, ”To improve the health and well-being of all South Africans,’’

Social responsibility is all about doing to others what you would like others do to you.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, ARCTIC AMANZI  proudly sponsored  4 Wheel Chairs  to the Cii Competition , in dedication to Dr. AAFIA SIDDIQUI.

Arctic Amanzi in conjunction with Al-Imdaad Foundation in initiated a water project for Palestine so that these blessed people could have clean and pure drinking water.
We would like to express our deepest thanks and gratitude for your generous donation which will make a great difference in the: lives of thousands of people. With the funds,
Arctic Amanzi in conjunction with the Al-lmdaad Foundation was able to establish a water filtration plant in the Rafah locality of the Gaza strip.

We pray that our generous donors are rewarded for every drop of pure water that is used and that they are compensated in the hereafter with the purest of waters from the fountain of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) -Aameen.
This water filtration plant will pump SIXTY THOUSAND liters of water per day lnsha-Allah and is currently in full operation.

"Oh, Allah accept this from us and make this be a means of mercy upon the people of Palestine and humanity at large"